Week 4 Review

The following email contains information about the weeks practice. The email will outline the sessions that have been completed and what the players worked on. We have a player centric, proactive curriculum which ensures the players will cover all the necessary mechanics, skill work, and give players a chance to be decision makers and creative players. Through the long-term development from U8 to U19, the players will pass through different stages and priorities as outlined in the program welcome meeting.

While during practice the players will be given the tools they need, if an individual wants to push on with playing at a higher level and performing to the best of their ability, practicing at home will always give them that extra edge, and we can’t encourage enough for those with passion for the sports to practice in their own time. This also avoids unnecessary overtraining of structured practices continuously throughout the week.

ADP Training Pool, U8 and Competitive Ages

  • Technical Grids.

A technical circuit working on the players dribbling and juggling. Sets of challenges and competitions added to the progression of the practice to increase the engagement of the players and further stretch a player’s ability as they improve.

  • Small Sided Games, Free Play.

Both sessions during this week were for Small Sided Games. A 3v3 to 4v4 format where players play the sport. Gaining game insight and intelligence while playing the sport in a pressure free environment

10’s to 07’s Competitive Teams

  • Passing Between the Units

A practice like the popular ‘Rondo’ training of passing under pressure. This however is more functional in the players movement to get between seems of defenders (space between two individuals), and the units of a team (e.g. space between defenders and midfielders). The receiving player also gets into the habit of looking before receiving the ball, this increasing the speed of play through sped of thought with a high level of game insight.

  • Shooting and Finishing

High level of repetition with receiving the ball with the players back to goal, encouraging the first touch to be at an angle and out of the feet of the player. The high repetition allows for a breakdown in the mechanics when performing this soccer action. Progressions include adding pressure from a defender both passive and real time, along with transition. Progressions depend on the rate of improvement in player.

  • Small Sided Games, Free Play, Pre-Season

Both sessions during this week were for Small Sided Games. A 3v3 to 4v4 format where players play the sport. Gaining game insight and intelligence while playing the sport in a pressure free environment

06’s to 04’

Some teams took part in scrimmages with other teams in the age group, and/or older/younger teams within the club. The scrimmage was for fitness purposes and for 06’s an introduction to the 11v11 size field.

  • Fitness with a Ball, Shooting 2

A session with high repetition of striking from distance, decision making, and creative attacking play. The fitness element comes from short burst of 100% effort between shots at goal. 2 goals are placed back to back, 20 yards areas either side for teams to play in. One team has a target player where upon winning the ball, the new team in possession must pass to the other grid finding their target player, and both teams must now sprint to either support or defend. Very little rest, challenging the recovery a player between soccer actions.

  • Fitness with a Ball, Technical Circuit

Designed to challenge the individual’s cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, and perform soccer specific techniques. A circuit developed to challenge passing and dribbling, alternating with sprint activities in a chase relay. Following the circuit there is a 4-minute run. A ball will stay in play for up to 3 minutes without rest during a game, 4 minutes pushes a player past this threshold, so they can compete for extended periods. Increased cardiovascular performance results in higher skill level as fatigue sets in.

  • Small Sided Games, Free Play, Pre-Season.

Both sessions during this week were for Small Sided Games. A 3v3 to 4v4 format where players play the sport. Gaining game insight and intelligence while playing the sport in a pressure free environment

03’s and Older

Some teams took part in scrimmages with other teams in the age group, and/or older/younger teams within the club. The scrimmage was for fitness purposes and for 06’s an introduction to the 11v11 size field.

  • Fitness with a Ball, Shooting 2

A session with high repetition of striking from distance, decision making, and creative attacking play. The fitness element comes from short burst of 100% effort between shots at goal. 2 goals are placed back to back, 20 yards areas either side for teams to play in. One team has a target player where upon winning the ball, the new team in possession must pass to the other grid finding their target player, and both teams must now sprint to either support or defend. Very little rest, challenging the recovery a player between soccer actions.

  • Fitness with a Ball, Technical Circuit

Designed to challenge the individual’s cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, and perform soccer specific techniques. A circuit developed to challenge passing and dribbling, alternating with sprint activities in a chase relay. Following the circuit there is a 4-minute run. A ball will stay in play for up to 3 minutes without rest during a game, 4 minutes pushes a player past this threshold, so they can compete for extended periods. Increased cardiovascular performance results in higher skill level as fatigue sets in.

  • Fitness with a Ball, Passing 2

Grid system of passing and following. 5-yard passes followed by bursts of acceleration and movement to support. This challenges the concentration of the player with so many moving parts while performing at a high intensity. The four pillars of development are always connected, this session perfectly challenging the technical, physical, and psychological pillar.

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