Week 3 Review

The following contains information about the weeks practice. The email will outline the sessions that have been completed and what the players worked on. We have a player centric, proactive curriculum which ensures the players will cover all the necessary mechanics, skill work, and give players a chance to be decision makers and creative players. Through the long-term development from U8 to U19, the players will pass through different stages and priorities as outlined in the program welcome meeting.

While during practice the players will be given the tools they need, if an individual wants to push on with playing at a higher level and performing to the best of their ability, practicing at home will always give them that extra edge, and we can’t encourage enough for those with passion for the sports to practice in their own time. This also avoids unnecessary over-training of structured practices continuously throughout the week.

ADP Training Pool, U8 and Competitive Ages

  • Small Sided Games, Free Play, Pre-Season.

Both sessions during this week were for Small Sided Games. A 3v3 to 4v4 format where players play the sport. Gaining game insight and intelligence while playing the sport in a pressure free environment

  • Physiological Conditioning – Speed

One of the purposes of physiological conditioning at this age is for positive outlook on fitness. Too often fitness is used as a punishment, this gives the youth player the wrong response to what fitness should be. The session gives the player a positive outlook, and provides a positive habit of looking after the body for athleticism. This age performs in fun games and races, with a ball.

Physical conditioning at this age is largely hereditary, as adaptations to physical activity (with exception to agility, balance and coordination), will be more efficiently optimized once player enter the growth and maturation years.

11’s to 08’s Competitive Teams

  • Passing Between the Units…

Penetration through passing, using the pass to communicate with players on the direction and speed of play.  Important role for the 2nd attacker with their movement and distance of support to get in to seams and position between the defensive units. All players constantly checking their shoulder to see where the next pass will be played before receiving the ball. Body movement and position to have hips open to the field.

  • Physiological Conditioning – Agility

A fun in competition against other individual players from 3 other teams. A slalom sprint leads the player in to a small playing area, where the first player to enter collects a pinnie and becomes the ‘tagger’. The 3 remaining players must avoid getting tagged. The second set then includes the ball, where players are in a 1v1 situation with the defender. All sets and reps are adjusted for the age group, and repetitions are times to allow for rest periods.

  • Thursdays Free Play

Free play is vitally important, and more of this is needed in youth sports. https://www.soccertoday.com/platini-soaf-let-youth-players-be-kids-they-are-not-pros-yet/ This gives empowerment to the individual player to perform with creative actions and to use the game situation to problem solve, not relying on the instructions from external sources outside of the games context.

07’s to 05’s

  • Physiological Conditioning – Agility

A fun in competition against other individual players from 3 other teams. A slalom sprint leads the player in to a small playing area, where the first player to enter collects a pinnie and becomes the ‘tagger’. The 3 remaining players must avoid getting tagged. The second set then includes the ball, where players are in a 1v1 situation with the defender. All sets and reps are adjusted for the age group, and repetitions are times to allow for rest periods.

  • Physiological Conditioning – Cardiovascular

Designed to challenge the individual’s cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, and perform soccer specific techniques under fatigue. A circuit developed to challenge passing and dribbling, alternating with sprint activities in a chase relay. Following the circuit there is a 4-minute run. This is psychologically challenging as there is no specific start/end point so the players must manage the negative thoughts and doubt that can enter a players mind during fatigue. A ball will stay in play for up to 3 minutes without rest during a game, 4 minutes pushes a player past this threshold, so they can compete for extended periods. Increased cardiovascular performance results in higher skill level as fatigue sets in.

  • Thursdays Free Play

Free play is vitally important, and more of this is needed in youth sports. https://www.soccertoday.com/platini-soaf-let-youth-players-be-kids-they-are-not-pros-yet/ This gives empowerment to the individual player to perform with creative actions and to use the game situation to problem solve, not relying on the instructions from external sources outside of the games context.

04’s and Older

  • Physiological Conditioning – Agility

A fun in competition against other individual players from 3 other teams. A slalom sprint leads the player in to a small playing area, where the first player to enter collects a pinnie and becomes the ‘tagger’. The 3 remaining players must avoid getting tagged. The second set then includes the ball, where players are in a 1v1 situation with the defender. All sets and reps are adjusted for the age group, and repetitions are times to allow for rest periods.

  • Physiological Conditioning – Agility Passing

Working in groups of four with one ball per group, players release the ball in a pass to then sprint through a gate at the opposite end of the playing area. Upon returning to the playing area that player is again active to be involved in the passing and moving. Progressions involve having a defender from another group put pressure on the decision making of the players with a burpee forfeit for the team of three losing possession to the one defender. As always, a small sided game to finish with conditions to match that of the practice topic, passing. Numbers up game where players have three options to score, encouraging ball movement to switch points of attack to exploit space. Intensity of session continues to be high due to the numerical advantage of the team in possession.

  • Physiological Conditioning – Cardiovascular

Designed to challenge the individual’s cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, and perform soccer specific techniques under fatigue. A circuit developed to challenge passing and dribbling, alternating with sprint activities in a chase relay. Following the circuit there is a 4-minute run. This is psychologically challenging as there is no specific start/end point so the players must manage the negative thoughts and doubt that can enter a players mind during fatigue. A ball will stay in play for up to 3 minutes without rest during a game, 4 minutes pushes a player past this threshold, so they can compete for extended periods. Increased cardiovascular performance results in higher skill level as fatigue sets in.

Every session is structured to facilitate all four pillars of the players development, and to include challenges, targets, and competition to get players to push themselves further. We are a program that heavily focuses on the players individual development, and not to get caught up in the race for trophies and excessive travel to unnecessary tournaments. If you ever have any questions about the Fremont YSC philosophy, and the proactive curriculum, we are always available to answer.

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