Mission Statement and Philosophy

Mission Statement

We aim to provide a positive and nurturing environment for soccer players of all levels to develop their soccer ability.


Fremont YSC is committed to providing a long term development plan for players from 4 to 18 years old.

Through innovative pedagogical methods, players will be addressed as an individual element, made up of complex systems, to advance not only their soccer playing ability, but also their development as a human being.

Youth soccer is an individual journey within a team context, where the ball is always the focus and point of reference throughout the learning of soccer. Players will be encouraged and nurtured to be creative, and problem solvers, using the environment they are in to find solutions to the problems they face.

Fremont YSC – Development Pathway


An holistic approach to all round player development. A development program where players can learn in an environment free from pressure. The mindset developed in the player is open to making mistakes and learning from their experiences. Fremont YSC encourages players to be creative and to play without fear of mistakes.

Core Values

Developing the player through soccer specific training will only provide improvement in technique, tactics, and physical maturity. The 360 player includes psychological and social development. Seeing the bigger picture allows the club to work on more than a first touch and strike at goal.

Our Core Values include –

  • Player – integrity, sportsmanship, excellence, and being humble
  • Coach – excellence and comitment to the development pathway, no one is too big for any job.
  • Club transparency, leadership, and putting the youth as the importance of youth sports
  • Parent education, supporting the needs of parents to understand the process of long term player development.