
The priority of any youth sports club should be to the welfare of the individual player. When the focus is to develop the individual, a player-centric approach should always be taken. All four pillars of a players development should be considered in all club decisions, the compilation of the age appropriate curriculum, and within the delivery of the practice session itself.

Technical: Improving the players technical ability.

Physical: The ability of the player to be able to perform to the physical demands of the sport. In keeping with a safe environment and preventative of injury.

Psychological: Ensuring the players enjoy their participation in sports. Do they have fun? Are they intrinsically motivated to participate in the sport and be successful for themselves. Players should be given freedom to make their own decisions during the game, and this helps with nurturing the creative player.

Social: Interactions between players, players and coaches, and players and parents. The environment of the club should be one where we are not only developing players but are developing good human beings. ‘Not all humans are players, but all players are human’ (F.A.W.)

The player portal will provide useful information to players and will be a resource for players as they progress through Fremont YSC.

Culture – Click Here

Injury Prevention – Click Here

College Information – Click Here

Skill of the Week – Click Here